A BBM News Release: Where Is Britain 50 Years After Enacting Its First Race Relations Act? which highlights the launch of our documentary DVD 'Look How Far We've Come Community Talk & Racism', which marks the 50 years since the enactment of UK's first Race Relations Act, by providing viewpoints drawn from a wide cross-section of British's multicultural society. Interviewees include some of those whose work led to the Act: Bristol Bus Boycott leader Paul Stephenson OBE, Labour Society Of Lawyers member Ian Macdonald QC, WISC (West Indian Standing Conference) executive Clarence Thompson MBE; some of those who helped draft, or vote for the Act, such as Labour Society Of Lawyers member Lord Anthony Lester QC, and Labour politician Tony Benn. Contributors also include launch event special guest Dame Jocelyn Barrow, whose work as a CARD (Campaign Against Racial Discrimination) co-founder, led to the 1968 amendment of the Act...