(2016) RE:IMI 2016 Formal Launch At House Of Commons
After nearly two years of low-key engagement, RE:IMI (Race Equality: In Music Industry) is formally launched at the House of Commons on July 12 2016, hosted by Dawn Butler MP.
This formal launch brings to the fore RE:IMI (Race Equality: In Music Industry), a collective made up of music industry practitioners, musicians, producers, academics, historians, community activists and equality practitioners, which has a focus on 'race' within music industry diversity/equality discourse and practice.
At a time when 'race' and ethnicity issues have cropped up, as evidenced by the #BritsSoWhite trend, and 'race' sometimes does not feature in diversity/equality remits, RE:IMI, which is a BritishBlackMusic.com/Black Music Congress initiative, aims to work with stakeholders within and without the music industry by highlighting 'race' and ethnicity deficits. And also pursue initiatives such as British Artists Against Racism (BAAR). Join us, as we set out our stall, and also find out what others, such as the BPI, the UK Music Diversity Task Force and BECTU, are doing to address 'race' equality and diversity.