Friday, July 17, 2020

HR/Diversity Resources

This is where we plan to post HR (Human Resources) and Diversity documents and best practice policies and schemes, to help others within the music industry improve their EDI (Equality, Diversity, Inclusion) aims: Please email documents relevant to this page to There's also the option for restricted access, whereby enquiries are directed to the creator of the resource, to decide who can have a copy.

(Oct. 2020) 2020 Colour Of Power
A useful at-a-glance database that graphically illustrates the lack of female and AAME (African. Asian, Minority ethnic) representations in the upper echelons across a wide sphere of endeavour. From cabinet makeup, to CEOs of the top 50 NHS trusts, from leaders of London's boroughs to CEOs of the lop advertising agencies. 

The Black Report 2020
This online resource provides backgrounds to start-up business founders from AAME (African, Asian, Minority Ethnic) communities, their stories and demographics.  

UK Government's Ethnicity Facts And Figures
87% of people in the UK are White, and 13% belong to a African, Asian, Mixed or Other ethnic group, according to the combined 2011 censuses for England and Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. Use this service to find information about the different experiences of people from a variety of ethnic backgrounds. It gathers data collected by government in one place, making it available to the public, specialists and charities.

Explainer: What Is Systemic Racism And Institutional racism?
At the 2020 BAFTA awards, Joaquin Phoenix called out systemic racism in the film industry in his acceptance speech for leading actor. He said: "I think that we send a very clear message to people of colour that you’re not welcome here. I think that’s the message that we’re sending to people that have contributed so much to our medium and our industry and in ways that we benefit from. […] I think it’s more than just having sets that are multicultural. We have to do really the hard work to truly understand systemic racism." Systemic racism, or institutional racism, refers to how ideas of white superiority are captured in everyday thinking at a systems level: taking in the big picture of how society operates, rather than looking at one-on-one interactions.

UK Music's Equality And Diversity Hub
This is where you will music industry umbrella organisation UK Music's equality and diversity pages, including the UK Music Diversity Task Force and Reports.

(July 2020) Seat At The Table: Diversity In The Music Industry Report
Women In CTRL's report analyses 12 UK music industry organisations, and provides the statistical data as of July 2020 of where they stand with regards to representations of women and Black women on executive teams, boards, and chairs and CEOs. Includes the WIC Diversity Pledge.

(June 2020) UK Music Workforce Diversity Survey 2020
For all UK music companies, irrespective of size. (2020) For all UK music companies, irrespective of size.The survey tracks progress to boost diversity and inclusion in the UK’s music industry that contributes £5.2 billion a year to the UK economy and sustains 190,000 jobs. UK Music, the umbrella body that represents the commercial music business, said the globally respected survey comes at a crucial time for the industry in the wake of #BlackOutTuesday, #TheShowMustBePaused and protests in support of Black Lives Matter. Note: survey is time specific! Note: survey is time specific!

(June 2020) PPL's Equality, Diversity And Inclusion Statement
Music industry body PPL (Phonographic Performance Ltd) posts its commitment to hiring, developing and promoting the best people, from the widest possible talent pool – regardless of someone’s race, gender, sexuality, age, disability, background or any other characteristic...

How To Start Decolonising Your Business
"Decolonising is 
different from most equality, diversity and inclusion work, asserts," Dr Ricardo Twumasi. Decolonising is not about jumping on the latest PR bandwagon or something companies should pay lip service to. Mindful of this, he proposes four steps that companies can use to start the process of decolonising.

(June 2020) BBC Commits £100m Of Its Content Spend On Diverse Productions And Talent
Let's hope this is not one of those start-stop initiatives of the Beeb. This, it says: "The BBC is setting out the first in a new series of bold steps to transform its programming and better represent the public it serves..."

Diamond Broadcasting Diversity Resources Hub
Diamond, an industry-wide diversity monitoring system created by the Creative Diversity Network (CDN), UK broadcasters and Pact to provide detailed, consistent and comprehensive monitoring and reporting of diversity in the TV industry - it is a single online system used by the BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Channel 5 and Sky to obtain consistent diversity data on programmes they commission. Here you find all the Diamond resources.

(2014) Diversity Management In The UK Music Industry The Thoughts And Perspectives Of Black Employees
A University Of Westminster/Music Tank Future Think research document by Tamara Witt which sought to assess inequalities for AAME people working in the UK music industry...

(2011) Bain - Attitudes of Employers in the UK Music Industry Towards Equality and Diversity
Former BASCA CEO Vick Bain's Henley Business School research, which was an attempt to map the music industry's engagement with diversity, which did not receive the traction it deserved in effecting structural changes...

(1979) It Ain't Half Racist Mum
A Campaign Against Racism In The Media presentation by Stuart Hall and Maggie Steed, highlighting racism and racist stereotypes within the media, which BBC and other broadcasters refused permission for their clips to be included...